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Team and Lab


Negedia’s strength is its Team, specialised in research and with significant experience in the field of NGS.

The Negedia team is organized in workflows where the different and various skills of the staff, through collaboration, find consistency and comprehensiveness in service delivery.

The sales department is the driving force of the company, led by passionate and goal-focused professionals. They are our ambassadors to customers, establishing deep and lasting relationships.

A synergetic collaboration runs through the workflow starting with a customer’s request for services.

In the Administration and Customer Care department, the team is the engine that keeps the whole organizational machine running, guaranteeing the flow behind all workflows, starting with contacting the customer, receiving samples and organizing resources for the bioinformatics and laboratory department. 

With this kind of support, each element can concentrate totally on research and diagnostic activities, knowing that everything will be handled perfectly.

The bioinformatics department is the beating heart of the company, where the brilliant minds of bioinformaticians get to work. 

These ‘data scientists’ are capable of analyzing huge amounts of genetic information, providing the necessary research support and finalizing the data for the customer.

Collaboration between the different departments is our winning recipe: we support each other, share ideas and face challenges together.

Every day we dive into a universe of genomes, exploring the secrets hidden in DNA with state-of-the-art sequencing tools, where our NGS team is ready to challenge the unknown, examining beyond the genome, opening new horizons for precision medicine and innovative molecular biology techniques.

Co Founder

Andrea Ballabio

Andrea Ballabio is a paediatrician and Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. He has held the position of Scientific Director at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine and is a pillar of basic and translational research at the Telethon Foundation. His research activity at TIGEM is focused on the study of the mechanisms that coordinate nutrient sensing in physiological conditions and how these mechanisms are deregulated in rare genetic diseases in order to identify new therapeutic solutions. He is co-founder of NEGEDIA where he serves as scientific advisor for Medical Genetics and Translational Medicine.

Davide Cacchiarelli

Chief Scientific Officer

Davide Cacchiarelli is PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology and Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. He holds the position of Principal Investigator at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine where he directs the Armenise/Harvard laboratory of Integrative Genomics. His research activity at TIGEM integrates genomics, molecular biology and quantitative approaches to understand the mechanisms underlying cell fate control in regenerative medicine and rare genetic diseases. He is co-founder of NEGEDIA where he serves as Chief Scientist in order to develop new diagnostic methods based on genome and transcriptome analysis.


Francesca Pasinelli


After graduating in Pharmacy and specialising in Pharmacology, she worked as a researcher and subsequently held various managerial positions in leading international pharmaceutical industries. Since 2009, she has been General Director of the Telethon Foundation, a charity that raises funds to advance scientific research aimed at curing genetic diseases. In 2005 she was awarded the Marisa Bellisario Prize, in 2007 the honour of Commendatore Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana, in 2018 the Sonia Skarlatos Public Service Award (American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy) and in 2019 she was awarded the honour of Grande Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.


Alessandro Betti

Chief Executive Officer

Graduated in ‘94 from Luiss Business School with a specialisation in Industrial Relations and a Master in Marketing & Communication, he began working in Marketing and Sales covering several managerial positions in Italy and abroad (France, Holland, Belgium) at companies such as Barilla, Philips, Bain Capital and Indesit. Since 2012, he has held the position of Fundraising Director for the Telethon Foundation.

Vera Castagnini

Chief Operating Officer

She graduated in Biology and then in Obstetrics at the University of Genoa. In 2013, she started working on the development, marketing and commercialisation of genetic tests in Italy and abroad (Spain, Lithuania, Serbia) for medium/large-sized companies.

Beatrice Salvatori

Scientist & Operations Manager

Beatrice Salvatori graduated in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where she obtained a PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology. In 2013, she started a postdoc at Columbia University, in the System Biology lab of Prof. Andrea Califano, where she studied microRNA regulatory networks in Breast Cancer. Back in Italy, she works as a Bioinformatician at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and joins the NEGEDIA group in 2020 as Scientist and Project Manager. Beatrice is in charge of Oncology-related projects and follows the organisation and implementation of new R&D projects.

Mariangela Lubrano Lavadera


She graduated in Economics in Naples and qualified as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor. She has more than 18 years of experience in the field of AFC (Administration, Finance and Control), as Auditor (Pwc), Group Financial Controller and CFO in medium/large-sized companies.


Sara Riccardo

NGS Laboratory Head

Sara Riccardo graduated in Molecular Biology at the University Federico II of Naples and at the same University, she obtained a PhD in Genetics and Molecular Medicine. She did her PostDoc at the City College of New York in Prof. Bellosta's laboratory, where she worked on new mechanisms of regulation and degradation of the oncogene Myc. She returns to Italy, in Milan, where she joins Prof. Pellicioli's lab and studies some aspects of cellular signal transduction mechanisms in response to DNA damage and replicative stress. He works as Field Application Scientist at Bio-Fab Research S.r.l., where she is responsible for the development, optimisation and implementation of assays based on Next Generation Sequencing technology. In 2018, she moved to Naples and joined the NGS facility at the Tigem Institute in Pozzuoli as Senior Scientist. Since 2020, she has been part of the NEGEDIA team with the title of Technical Director.

Patrizia Annunziata

Senior Biologist

Patrizia Annunziata graduated in Biological Sciences and specialised in Medical Genetics at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. She works at the Department of Paediatrics of the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ in the laboratory of Prof. G. Sebastio, where she is involved in the study and characterisation of a mouse model of protein intolerance with lysinuria (LPI). Then she works at Tigem (‘Telethon Institute of Medicine and Genetics’), where she is involved in the study of Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI in the laboratory of Prof. A. Auricchio; she is involved in Gene Therapy for liver-related genetic diseases in the laboratories of Prof. N. Brunetti Pierri and in the generation of iPSCs with viral vectors in the laboratories of Prof. D. Cacchiarelli.
He joined the Negedia team in 2020 as a senior scientist. She is mainly responsible for managing the Flora gut service and various other services associated with research and development.

Giuseppe Cacace

Laboratory Technician

Giuseppe Cacace graduated in Biology from the University of Naples ‘FEDERICO II’ where he obtained a PhD in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. In 2021, he began a new work experience at Bioscience Genomics, where he worked on non-invasive prenatal screening for the assessment of fetal aneuploidies. He joins the NEGEDIA group in 2023 as NGS Laboratory Technician, where he is involved in the application of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology both for molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases and for research purposes.


Chiara Colantuono

Senior Bioinformatician

Chiara Colantuono graduated in Molecular Biology at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’, where she obtained a PhD in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in 2015. She did her postdoc first at the Department of Agriculture of the ‘Federico II’, then at the Zoological Station Anton Dorhn. In both institutes, he works on bioinformatic analyses of omics data, in particular on transcriptomics and genomics. In 2020, she first collaborated with TIGEM as part of the Regione Campania project on the monitoring of SARS-COV2 virus variants, then joined the bioinformatics team at NEGEDIA, where she was in charge of genomics and diagnostic analyses.

Giuseppe Martone

Senior Bioinformatician

Giuseppe Martone si laurea in Biotecnologie Mediche presso l'Università degli Studi di Torino. Nel 2020 inizia un Master di II livello presso l'Università degli Studi di Padova in Big Data e Machine Learning per la ricerca biomedica e la medicina di precisione. Nel 2021 entra a far parte del gruppo di lavoro del Professor Davide Cacchiarelli presso il TIGEM (Istituto Telethon di Genetica e Medicina) per uno stage. Dal 2022 ricopre il ruolo di analista dati strutturati presso NEGEDIA.

Marcello Salvi

PhD Student

Marcello Salvi graduated in 2020 in Industrial Bioengineering from the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ and in the same year obtained a Master's degree in Digital Transformation at the same university in partnership with Deloitte Digital. In 2021, he starts a PhD in Computational Biology with a special interest in early cancer diagnosis. He joins the NEGEDIA team in 2020 where he holds the position of Scientific Computing Engineer and Cloud engineer.


Nunzia Raimondo


Nunzia Raimondo graduated in Business Administration from the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. Immediately after graduating, she began working with an economic, tax and labour consultancy firm while also completing a master's degree in management control at the ‘24-hour Business School’.
After working for almost ten years at an accountancy firm, she began working as a controller in companies and joined the NEGEDIA group as an accountant in 2023.

Manuela Esposito

Junior Financial Controller

Manuela Esposito holds a master's degree in ‘Business Administration’ from the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. At the same time as her studies, she began working for a local auditing company, where she acquired accounting and budgeting skills.
Since 2023, he she joined the NEGEDIA Group as Junior Financial Controller.

Customer Care

Umberto Lazzaro

Lab Support & Procurement

Umberto Lazzaro graduated in 2022 in molecular diagnostics, Biological Sciences curriculum at the University of Naples Federico II. In 2019, following the motto ‘science belongs to everyone’ with the BM-Innovations team, he creates the science popularisation website Biodaily. In 2020 in the laboratories of Prof. Baldini of the CNR he has the opportunity to study DiGeorge syndrome and follow laboratory experiments in vitro and in vivo on a mouse model. In 2023, he joins the NEGEDIA team as Lab support specialist & procurement, a support function between the scientific, administrative and sales departments.


Rito Visciano

Facility Manager

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Negedia is represented in Italy with two locations.

All spaces are designed to promote the wellbeing of the people: glass windows and natural light enter all rooms, designed to guarantee the best procedural standards of processing, ensuring maximum comfort.

The organization of the working spaces in this way promotes interaction between the laboratory and bioinformatics teams and the departments involved in service sales, customer support and administration.


The main office is located in Pozzuoli in the beautiful setting of the former Olivetti complex, and is the heart of research and development activities, overlooking the Gulf of Pozzuoli, which is part of the Gulf of Naples.

Pozzuoli (NA)

Via Campi Flegrei 34 – 80078
+39 081 18073530

Second Office

The second office is located in Milan within the Filarete Foundation, the research and innovation hub of the University of Milan.

Fondazione UNIMI – Filarete, Milano

Viale Ortles, 22/4 – 20139
+39 02 56660100